Best way to *Start APP or GAME programming for beginners.

 How to start programming for beginners

Learn C++, C#, Java

Nope., they are the worst ways to start programming. Then how would you start? I am here today to tell you the same thing. 

1.First understand what programming is-

Programming is basically telling the computer, how to react to (i)"user input" and (ii)"some custom defined inputs" or (iii)"internal inputs" of the system.

(i) I think you already know that "user inputs" and the hardware inputs executed by the user. eg-> pressing mouse button, pressing a keyboard button, pressing a gamepad button.

(ii)"Custom defined inputs" is pretty self-explanatory, its example can be a timer. Suppose you are playing a game and it has a timer of 3 hours for kids below the age of 18 for limiting and preventing addiction. So, when the user starts his first game the timer is started and after the timer is finished the event of prompting the user reminding of the limitation time is shown.

(iii)"Internal Inputs", they are some events that are executed from the OS or the Game or Software Itself. there can be a function that executes in the beginning when an element is activated first. Suppose you open an app and the profile button elements and other elements are first activated. This function can be used to ping information from server like name, profile photo, etc.

2.What actually happens-

The respective language has its own keywords which are compiled in low level language (eg-> binary language (00101001110)), and the computer reads it and reacts to the information and the result is then converted to high level language (readable by humans). Every programming language can have variations in its keywords, syntax and way of writing. 

(Not explained in depth b/c its off topic/ not necessary for practical use)

3. How to Start-

Now, we know what programming is, how does it work, what actually happens. Based on this information I conclude that you can start with an easy language like python or Q-basic. for Game development you can continue with GD script, a scripting language provided in Godot Game Engine. Can also try visual scripting (not ideal for big projects) provided by engines like Unity
and Unreal Engine.

After all this the best way to start is to follow your goals, you should be focused on your goal. This is the best way to start coz when you make something a goal which you have to follow, then you become focused. Take a Sample project. 

(i) For Software Engineers -> calculator, program to check marks and printing name, current class, class being promoted to and percentage (if current=12, then set promoted to college)

(ii) For Game Programmers -> side scroller with enemies and coins collecting target multiple levels, 3D Zombie shooting games (Choose engines wisely according to no. of tutorials present online)

After completing my examples take or construct projects of your choice or design it yourself and choose tutorials wisely. Like choose tutorials which explain the logic behind the mechanics they just created. Don't go for professionality coz you're just learning. Learn the basic logics behind the mechanism of an app or game. Like mechanics tells the computer the sequence wise arrangement of functions or logics for a event. 

4. What If You fail?-

 Don't worry if you failed. Generally aspiring programmers fail to do in the starting but later they get fluent. How many projects can fail? Upto 3-4 and 5th would work as expected but don't forget that with every project as you try to take challenges, you learn new stuff even if you fail. Just don't fail intentionally to try to fast forward the process.

I Hope This Helps! Thanks, if you read to the end!

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