What if I change my coding language?

What if I change my coding language? 

Content by YouTube/@frigontech

If you're going to change your coding language, then just make sure that you know your current coding language well enough. Like you should be able to write some good and complex stuff with the respective language. You might be able to become this fluent in your first language after a time of 2-3 years.

Now, after you know all of that and migrating to another coding language, you'll not need to learn all of that new language from 0 again. Why so? Because, the only difference across various coding languages is just way of coding and keywords. 

  📲Way of Coding: Way of coding is nothing but just the way, how you tell the computer to                                            perform a function or logic. For example, lets say We want to set an                                                  image into our button. In this example I would take CSS and Python.

                For Python: example_image = PhotoImage(file="path of image")               ... variable
                         example_button = tk.Button(root, text="my example button", image=example image)
                         #in this example you would need to type two input statements:
                                           1. "import tkinter as tk"
                                           2. "from tkinter import *"   [the asterisk is a wildcard; we're simply importing                                                                                                            all accessibilities from the tkinter module]
                For CSS:  <button class="image-button"><img src="image/logo-                                                                          icon.jpg" alt="Image"> </button>      


See that is my point, the way of explaining logic to the system is different. 

   ðŸ“²Keywords:  Keywords is the words which help in communication with the system. Different programming languages have different syntaxes along with different structures. So, they can sometimes be mistaken if you're migrating, but don't worry this problem wouldn't last long. For example, you can take a look at "Example-1", the way of entering the logic to display image in a button element is different in both the languages, but at the end of the day both languages are doing the same thing. This explains the keywords in different languages is not the same due to their structure.


Migrating to a new language or just learning another language can be a little bit tricky for 1st timers, but its not hard or you'll not have to do it straight from 0 to 100. You might need to watch tutorials for learning new keywords and saving that in your mind. You already know a language, then you'll just need to learn the way of telling logic to the new language. And you'll not forget the previous language, coz you're still programming stuff, you still know to explain logic in terms of the new language that you're learning/ going to learn. You can learn 2-3 languages with ease, its not hard.

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